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Dear SGCI Members,


It's that time!!! Starting today, January 22nd until January 25th you are given an opportunity to influence the future and well being of our golf organization by exercising your voting rights to send  your preferred 5 members to the Board of Directors (BOD).


The BOD is responsible for many things, a few of which are the following:


1. The BOD appoints the 3 primary executive officers of the club - the President, Tournament Director, and Treasurer.


2. The BOD provides oversight and governance on the affairs and practices of the club, which is run by the appointed President and his officers who are responsible for the regular operations. The BOD serves as a counter-balance to the the executive officers.   


Vote for the ones whom you think will be exceptional to carry out the BOD duties. Consider the following:

  • honesty,

  • commitment to serve, 

  • not easily swayed by emotions and uses reason and logic to make decisions, 

  • courage to stand up for the by laws of the organization


So, gentlemen, go and vote for the members who exhibit these traits. Vote for the hardest worker, vote for the honest and sincere person even if he's a lousy golfer, vote for the really good golfer, vote for your good friends (nothing wrong with that, as long as they don't embarrass you!) :-) JUST VOTE!!!    



Please reply BY January 25th with  the 5 names of your choice from the list below. 


1. Justin Balhon

2. Roy San Diego  

3. Mariano "Gene" Banting

4. Randy Saldivar

5. Al Justin Pintor

6. Patrick Vallejo

7. Ken Eugenio

8. Ariel Ocampo


Many thanks for your support!


Sincerely and respectfully,


President, Gary Maldia 

and Ballot Committee (Leonard Carlos & Jojo Arrienda)







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