Data Analytics Made Accessible: 2017 Edition Book Pdf
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However, due to its vast application, predictive analytics should not concern only business professionals. Most people are aware that companies collect our GPS locale, text messages, credit card purchases, social media posts, Google search history, etc., and this book will give you an insight into their data collecting procedures and the reasons behind them.
The book additionally serves as a history of the field of BI, big data, and data analytics, as Devlin details the past, present, and future of the field. He does so in order to challenge many of the assumptions in modern data analytics and data gathering, by showing how quickly the old best practices have become outdated due to the sheer volume and velocity of modern data sources.
Designed to be an accessible resource, this essential big data book does not include exhaustive coverage of all analytical techniques. Instead, it highlights data analytics techniques that really provide added value in company environments.
Digging deep into the very ideation of the subject and the premise behind analytic thinking, this book defines precisely why big data analytics is so valuable while offering digestible concepts that will serve as the very foundations of everything you do with the digital insights available to you. A real must-read for anyone with a thirst for big data enlightenment.
Another quality book on Big Data. This book provides a solid mixture of opinion and objective information. It has a solid focus on the data analytics side of Big Data, and inspires readers as to how data can be used in their field.
This book is more specifically angled towards data analytics. Dr Barry Devlin was a key figure in the development of data warehousing architecture throughout the 1980s. This is his reflection upon development in the field as well as a systematic overview of data engineering and analysis in the current era.
The 2017 BRFSS data continues to reflect the changes initially made in 2011 in weighting methodology (raking) and the addition of cell phone only respondents. The aggregate BRFSS combined landline and cell phone dataset is built from the landline and cell phone data submitted for 2017 and includes data for 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
Historically, automatic analysis techniques, such as statistics and data mining, were developed independently of visualization and interaction techniques. One of the most important steps in the direction of visual analytics research was the need to move from confirmatory data analysis (using charts and other visual representations to present results) to exploratory data analysis (interacting with the data), first introduced to the statistics research community by John W. Tukey in his book, Exploratory Data Analysis [31]. 1e1e36bf2d